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O Negative Blood Type Diet لصحة الحمل

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أثناء بحثي عن ريجيم فصيلة الدم اكتشفت ان هناك حتى فرق بين المقالات العربية والاجنبية

علشان جي نقلتلكم هالمقالة الأجنبية عن ريجيم فصيلة دم -O

حاولوا انكم ترجمونها بجوجل واذا في كلمات في الترجمة ما تنفهم فحطي الكلمة بالانجليزي في بحث جوجل للصور و بتعرفينه من الصورة

للمساعدة ترجمة بعض الكلمات المهمة :

Highly Beneficial تعني ان الأطعمة التي ستذكر اسفلها مفيدة جدا لنوع فصيلة الدم
Neutral تعني ان الاطعمة التي ستذكر محايدة
Avoid تعني ان الأطعمة التي ستذكر ممنوعة على هذا النوع من فصيلة الدم

ملاحظة هامة : لأن الموقع اجنبي فبتلاحظون وجود انواع من الخمور ولحوم الخنزير فطنشوها لأنها Avoid عندنا بدون تردد

أترككم مع المقالة:

Here, however, we’re about to understand the basics of the O negative blood type diet. The diet for people of both, O positive as well as O negative blood type, is the same. The history of the O blood type will make it easier for you to understand why to eat what you should eat, as the origins from where you came help you understand your path better as to where you’re headed.

O is for Old. The blood type O ancestors have been the Cro-Magnon, who were here almost 40,000 years ago and have been the roots of the people who branched out as O blood type. They hunted, and in organized packs, making use of weapons and tools that gave them strength beyond the measure of an ordinary bare-handed human, letting go of fear of any animal rivals they could have. And, they became efficient hunters without many natural predators at all. Their population went up and their main source of nutrition (fuel) was protein that came from meat. Later, however the competition between them and the scarcity of meat on those hunting grounds made them disperse far and wide, out of Africa towards Europe and Asia, soon occupying all lands except Antarctica.

Type O: The Hunter

•Meat eater
•Robust and tough digestive tract
•Highly active immune system
•Best way to deal with stress is rigorous physical activity
•Cannot adapt easily to drastic dietary and environmental changes
•An efficient metabolism is essential to stay lean, healthy and energetic

The Ketosis Key

There were slight alterations in the hunter-gatherer’s physical demands, the general digestive activity and way of metabolism of the O blood type ancestors, due to a diet which was high in protein and fat, with a few carbohydrates. Which means that instead of carbohydrates being broken down to glucose, the body metabolizes fats and proteins to ketones, which are used instead of sugars, to keep glucose levels steady.

So, you may be sitting back and blinking and thinking to the thought of saturated fats that are unhealthy and that eating too much meat is bad for you. Meats that are injected and pumped up with hormones and other dangerous antibiotics to plump up, are certainly best to avoid most entirely. But organic meats aren’t so bad for the O blood type and are actually the fuel that your body needs. Think about the foods that require hunting! It would certainly not be a field of wheat or a glass of milk. So, O blood types won’t benefit much from drinking milk and eating bread. Their systems aren’t quite so entirely adapted to dairy and grains the way that other blood types are.

Losing Weight

The main reason why you may be piling on the pounds is not the meat you eat, but due to the amount of grains, pulses and legumes you have in your diet. Wheat – whole wheat and wheat germ – has gluten, which puts a stress on your metabolism, acting against ketosis. This means that your calories are not utilized efficiently, stressing your digestive system out. The gluten lectins oppose the proper metabolism of insulin.

Another factor to consider is that the muscle tissue in O blood types is more acidic, hence you might as well avoid legumes, pulses and beans that have lectins making your muscle tissues a bit unnaturally alkaline.

The regulation of the thyroid is another factor to consider for weight gain. Hypothyroidism is another reason why O blood types gain weight. Insufficient levels of iodine lead to hypothyroidism symptoms of which include muscle loss and fatigue and retention of fluids that is the cause of bloating and weight gain.

Foods Promoting Weight Gain

Interfering with insulin and slowing metabolism:
•Wheat gluten
•Sweet corn

Hindering the utilization of calories:
•Kidney beans
•Navy beans

Hindering thyroid hormone:
•Brussels sprouts

Foods Promoting Weight Loss

Foods containing iodine to avoid hypothyroidism:
•Iodized salt

Sources of vitamin B that are great for efficient metabolism:
•Red meat

In the sections below, ‘highly beneficial’ means foods that are like medicine, ‘neutral’ means foods that your body can tolerate in moderation, and ‘avoid’ means foods that aren’t good for your body at all and may produce toxins or hinder your digestive or immune system in one way or another.


One thing to be kept in mind is that you cannot quite eat excessive meat, as your ancestors didn’t quite eat that amount either. Best, according to Dr. D’Adamo, is to stick to 175 g/6 oz for one meal. The high acid content in O blood types makes it possible for them to digest meat rather easily. The more exercise you take, the more protein is required. Balance out the amount of protein you take with fresh fruits and vegetables to avoid over acidification in your body that can lead to a lot of irritation of the lining of your stomach and can result into gruesome ulcers.

Highly Beneficial







As O blood type is vulnerable to thin blood, which resists clotting, the vitamin K found in seafood is highly beneficial as it promotes clotting of blood. Seafood is an excellent choice and source of iodine, which regulates thyroid function. Let us look at what seafood should be included in the diet for O negative blood type and what shouldn’t make its way on your table. Seafood should be consumed more often than other meats for the O negative blood type.

Highly Beneficial

•Red Snapper
•Rainbow trout
•Striped bass


•Frog legs
•Lemon sole
•Mahi mahi
•Red fish
•Sea bass
•Sea trout


•Pickled herring
•Smoked salmon

Dairy Products and Eggs

Although milk products aren’t beneficial at all to O negative blood types, if you’re of African origin, you may find yourself particularly lactose intolerant. Best is to avoid milk products and eggs. You can have soy milk and soy cheese, which are good alternatives for proteins.


•Feta cheese
•Goat milk cheese
•Mozzarella cheese
•Soy milk (particularly good)
•Soy cheese (particularly good)


•Blue cheese
•Cottage cheese
•Crème fraiche
•Edam cheese
•Emmental cheese
•Fromage frais
•Goat milk
•Gouda cheese
•Gruyère cheese
•Soft cheese
•Jarlsberg cheese
•Skimmed milk
•Muenster cheese
•Parmesan cheese
•Provolone cheese
•Neufchâtel cheese
•Ricotta cheese

Oils and Fats

Highly Beneficial

•Linseed oil (flaxseed)
•Olive oil


•Canola oil
•Cod liver oil
•Sesame oil


•Corn oil
•Cottonseed oil
•Groundnut oil
•Sunflower oil

Nuts and Seeds

Nut butters are easier to digest for O negative blood types than eating them simply as nuts, as they have a tendency to cause digestive problems if not chewed well.

Highly Beneficial

•Pumpkin seeds


•Almond butter
•Hickory nuts
•Pine nuts
•Sesame seeds
•Sesame butter
•Sunflower margarine
•Sunflower seeds


•Brazil nuts
•Cashew nuts
•Peanut butter
•Pistachio nuts
•Poppy seeds

Beans and Pulses

Eating beans in moderation works best for the O negative blood type. Their muscle tissue is always slightly acidic and they burn fat faster when it is so. Beans, legumes and pulses make it a bit alkaline by depositing lectins that are less acidic. Highly beneficial beans mentioned below are good as they make your digestive tract stronger and keep a common problem of many O negative blood types, which is acidity, at bay and promote healing of the digestive tract.

Highly Beneficial

•Aduki beans
•Black-eyed beans
•Pinto beans


•Black beans
•Broad beans
•Cannellini beans
•Green beans
•Lima beans
•Green peas
•Sugar snap beans and peas


•Kidney beans
•Navy beans
•Lentils – brown, green and red
•Soy beans


People having an O negative blood type are most susceptible to huge amounts of weight gain due to the gluten in whole wheat and whole wheat products and because of presence of lectins in them that get in the way of proper absorption of other nutrients. Thus, with the metabolic processes hindered and made sluggish, you tend to put on weight.


•Cream of rice
•Puffed millet
•Oat bran
•Rice bran
•Puffed rice


•Cream of wheat
•Grape nuts
•Wheat bran
•Wheat germ
•Shredded wheat

Breads and Muffins

To begin with, breads aren’t the best choice when it comes to O negative blood types as a lot of them contain wheat. If you’re having a daily sandwich for breakfast or toast, maybe it would be best to switch to something else as it isn’t the most beneficial, taking into consideration the gluten content in it. The genetic make up isn’t quite designed to be able to metabolize grains well. However, you can always benefit from the sprouted wheat Essene bread as the lectins present in it are quite destroyed by the sprouting process.

Highly Beneficial

•Sprouted wheat Essene bread


•Brown rice bread
•Gluten-free bread
•Millet bread
•Rice cakes
•100% Rye bread
•Rye crisps
•Soy wheat flour
•Spelt bread
•Ryvita crispbreads
•Finn crisps
•Wasa bread


•Corn muffins
•Durum wheat bread
•English muffins
•Multi-grain bread
•Oat bran muffins
•Pumpernickel bread
•Wheat bran muffins
•Whole wheat bread

Grains and Pastas

No grains or pastas are highly beneficial to the blood type. Most pastas are made from semolina, so it’s best to check the package for ingredients before you buy it. Make sure to buy gluten-free pastas.


•Buckwheat flour
•Barley flour
•Rye flour
•Rice flour
•Spelt flour
•Rice vermicelli
•Rice – basmati, brown and white
•Soba (buckwheat) noodles
•Wild rice


•Durum wheat flour
•Gluten flour
•Graham flour
•Oat flour
•Plain flour
•Self-raising flour
•Semolina pasta
•Sprouted wheat flour
•Whole wheat flour

Veggies, Sprouts, Soy and Fresh Herbs

It is important to consider vitamin K when you’re wanting to buy vegetables, as vitamin K helps clot blood. There are certain veggies that may trigger allergic reactions in your body, whilst some that get in the way of efficient thyroid function. However, all fresh herbs are beneficial for the O negative blood type.

Highly Beneficial

•Beetroot leaves
•Collard greens
•Dandelion greens
•Globe artichokes
•Onions – red, Spanish and yellow
•Red capsicum
•Sweet potatoes
•Swiss chard


•Bamboo shoots
•Broad beans
•Capsicum – green and yellow
•Green olives
•Jicama beans
•Lettuce – buttherhead, cos, iceberg, Webb
•Mesclun salad mixture
•Moong bean sprouts
•Mushrooms – abalone, chanterelles, enoki, porcini, Portobello, tree oyster
•Radish sprouts
•Spring onions
•Squash – all kinds
•Water chestnuts


•Alfalfa sprouts
•Cabbage – Chinese, red, and white
•Mushrooms – cultivated, shiitake
•Mustard greens
•Olives – black, Greek, and Spanish
•Potatoes – red, and white
•Sweet corn


Fruits most beneficial to the O negative blood type are ones that will keep their acidic digestive tract alkaline.

Highly Beneficial

•Figs – fresh, dried
•Plums – green, purple, and red


•Black currants
•Red dates
•Grapes – green, purple, red
•Melons – c****g, casaba, Crenshaw, Christmas, musk, Spanish
•Prickly pears
•Star fruit


•Melon – cantaloupe, honeydew


Vegetable juices are preferred over fruit juices in the diet for O negative blood type due to their alkalinity. Avoid drinking juices high in sugars. Pineapple juice is great for preventing bloating and acidity.

Highly Beneficial

•Black cherry juice
•Pineapple juice
•Prune juice


•Apricot juice
•Carrot juice
•Celery juice
•Cucumber juice
•Cranberry juice
•Grape juice
•Grapefruit juice
•Papaya juice
•Tomato water (with lemon)
•Vegetable juices of vegetables that are highly beneficial (mentioned earlier)


•Apple cider
•Apple juice
•Cabbage juice
•Orange juice

Spices, Dry Herbs and Flavorings

These can improve your digestive as well as immune system, if eaten rightly.

Highly Beneficial

•Cayenne pepper
•Seaweeds – dulse, kelp


•Almond essence
•Barley malt
•Bay leaf
•Brown rice syrup
•Corn syrup
•Cream of tartar
•Gelatine – plain
•Maple syrup
•Mustard – dry
•Pepper – peppercorns, red pepper flakes
•Rice syrup
•Soy sauce
•Sugar – brown, white


•Pepper – ground black and white
•Vanilla – essence, pod

•Vinegars – balsamic, cider, distilled, white, herb, malt, red and white wine

Whilst there aren’t any highly beneficial condiments for the O negative blood type diet plan, you can use the ones that are neutral for you in moderation, making sure they’re low-fat and low-sugar. Best is to use olive oil, lemon juice and garlic.


•Jam (from the fruits that are beneficial as mentioned earlier)
•Jelly (from acceptable fruits)
•Salad dressing (low-fat and from beneficial and neutral ingredients)
•Worcestershire sauce


•Pickles – Branston, dill, kosher, sweet, sour

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas are very healing and promote strengthening of the digestive and immune system when had rightly.

Highly Beneficial

•Lime leaf
•Rose hip


•Chinese angelica
•Green tea
•Liquorice root
•Raspberry leaf


•Burdock root
•Golden seal
•Red clover
•Shepherd’s purse
•St. John’s wort
•Strawberry leaf
•Yellow dock

Other Beverages

A bit of wine and lager is allowed in moderation for O negative blood types. If you’re habituated to drinking coffee, it’s best to cut down slowly as this is bound to make your stomach quite acidic.

Highly Beneficial

•Soda water
•Seltzer water


•Wine – red, rose, white


•Coffee – decaffeinated, regular
•Distilled spirits
•Soda – cola, diet, others
•Tea – black, decaffeinated, regular

ثانكس حبيبتي على المعلومات القيمة ^^ … امممممممم انا الاحظ اغلب الاجانب الحين يتبعون حمية بيير دوكان واللي هيه تقطعين كل الكربوهيدرات من خبز ومشتقاته لفترة معينة بسبب انه وايييييد اتبعوها وعطتهم نتايج باهرة وقوية

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