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فشل المبايض المبكر لحياة صحية

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هلا بنات والله نبي مساعدتكم اللي سمعت عن فشل المبايض المبكر يعني وصول المراة لسن الياس في الثلاثينات لي واحده من ربيعاتي 35 سنه وصار لها متزوجه من خمس سنوات وما حملت وبالاخير شخصوها فشل مبكر للمبايض وما يدرون له علاج اللي سمعت فيه من قبل ولا تعرف عنه معلومات بلييييز تكتب لنا تراها وايييد مكتابه وابي اساعدها

هلا معلوماتي ان فشل المبايض المبكر له علاج بس علي ما اعتقد انه بيكون حسب سببه
وفي ويب بيج بس بالانجليزي مسويين مثل تجمع للي عدهم ها المرض باكتبها لكم ولو فتحتوها سووا ريجستير مثل اي ويب بيج وهاذي قصة واحده منهم كان عندها واتعالجت عند دكتور متولي بولاية منسوتا بامريكا وحملت بس هو الحين بكندا واللي تبي ايميله ترسلي علي الخاص
Sucess Story Lead [-]

(03/24/09 1813)
Tags : None

Here is my story. In March of 2024, I became ill with a low grade fever and high WBC and some serious hot flashes. Many tests were run- none could find a cause. After my second round of antibiotics, I was well again, this is about a month later. But, my periods became really abnormal and sporadic, something I was not used to as I have been regular all my life. However I do have a past hx of ceasearen and D and C (sx of this area are risk factors for pof). I started having hot flashes and then no periods at all. I went to the dr. office number 1 and insisted on a fsh. It came out at 20, after doing my own research I figured it might be pof. First doctors office not helpful. Went to second obgyn dr’s office. Fsh draws were 25 and 31 10 days later. Feeling awful and not really sleeping at this point. Dr. was sort of rude and told me I had POF over the phone. Did not really now a whole lot about POF. Went to 3rd obgyn office which was office that deliverd my two children, Dr. had not a clue as to what POF was and after giving her info on it, never called me or tried to speak with me further. Went to see RE- worst dr of my life, annoyed I had dx myself and told me that I had no chance of getting pregnant, had no ovaries basically and really was barely pof since she thought the cutt off age was 35, not 40 as it is defined by the experts. Blood draw there was fsh of 69. On top of that the RE would not prescribe HRT, which made me feel hopeless, said I needed to get rx from 3rd obgyn (told me they were good friends) Had no interest in trting my pof, only wanted to see me if I wanted a donor egg procedure. This is August of 2024- I am now not sleeping hardly, and my anxiety is sky high. 3rd obgyn office agrees to prescribe hrt- finally some relief. Nowhere near normal but sleep kicks in. Went to the U of MN reproductive clinic and saw Dr. Mitwally- wonderful RE, really understood pof. Told me that probably chances are 1 in 10,000 but I could try letrozole/femara and told me he is biased as this is his "pet project" drug. I told him I needed a couple of months off first, but willing to give it a try since there would be no harm. My husband and I decided for us adoption was the way to go (we wanted a third child) and started looking at adoption blogs, reading books, and getting adoption paperwork in order. Also, starting using CBFM and LH /FSH strips just to see. Decided to give letrozole a try in November. On base**** ultrasound, my right ovary actually had follicles- previous ultrasounds couldn’t locate my ovaries. Took letrozole and went off hrt- developed 3 eggs. Did IUI and intercourse- no luck, nada. In december the clinic was not doing any trtments due to closure during holidays. Did not go back on HRT as I was feeling fine. Ovulated according to LH strips can CBFM on dec 24, 25th. PREG test postive on Jan 2! Now am 14 weeks along and due in mid sept. When I first found out I was pregnant I was overjoyed and sad at the same time because I had fallen in love with the idea of an unknown ethopian boy. I think the letrozole may have been a coincidence- but who knows?? Dr. Mitwally’s theory is it resensitives the fsh receptors to fsh making it more likely that follicles will respong. Dr. Mitwally has now left the University of MN and is now in Toronto for anyone in that area. Anyone thinking of adoption- read the book China ghosts and look at some adoption blogs- there are really some amazing examples out there. Anyone doing donor eggs or waiting and trying to get pregnant- good luck to you and I hope my good luck spreads! oh and one more thing- they still can’t see my left ovary on any ultrasounds.

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