تخطى إلى المحتوى
الرئيسية » استبانه عن السكري بلييييز أريد الحل .. من مطبخ الامارات

استبانه عن السكري بلييييز أريد الحل .. من مطبخ الامارات

السلااام عليكم خواتي الغالياات . .
شحاالكم .. عساكم مرتااحاات .. ؟!..
بغيت منكم مساعده ..
لو سمحتوو حلو لي هالاستبيااان عشاان مشروعي أريد أخلص .. لو 6 أو 7 يحلونه .. هو بالانجليزي . .

ماتبطل الموقع عندي

كان ودي اساعدج بس الموقع ما يفتح

يا خسااااره ماعرفت كيف أحمله ..
بسوي له نسخ ولصق ..

SURVEY ON diabetes
We are doing a project about diabetes. Please help us by filling out this survey honestly.
• What is your nationality?
□ Emirati
□ Arabic
□ Other
• Gender
□ Male
□ Female
• Age
□ 13 – 19 Years
□ 20 – 30 Years
□ 30 – 50 Years
□ More than 50 years
• Diabetes is concentrated in the Gulf states over the rest of the world?
□ Agree
□ Disagree
□ Neutral
• Fast food is the cause of diabetes
□ Agree
□ Disagree
□ Neutral
• The primary factor in diabetes genetics is a factor?
□ Agree
□ Disagree
□ Neutral

• Do you agree with statement, which says that women are more cases of men with diabetes?
□ Agree
□ Disagree
□ Neutral

• Obesity and inactivity are factors for diabetes?
□ Agree
□ Disagree
□ Neutral

• Do you agree that the reason for the spread of diabetes in the UAE is a lot of fatty food?
□ Agree
□ Disagree
□ Neutral
•did you found in your family the Infected from diabetes?
□ Agree
□ Disagree
□ Neutral
Number of Infected ……………………………….
• The biggest reason for the massive spread of disease from diabetes is the lack of public indifference to their health
□ Agree
□ Disagree
□ Neutral

In your opinion, what are the reasons that helped in the spread of this disease is frequent in the UAE and who is the first official to do so? Why?!

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Thank you for ignor

اترك تعليقاً

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