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الرئيسية » امتحان دورة اللغه الانجليزيه(مجانا) للاسبوع الاول

امتحان دورة اللغه الانجليزيه(مجانا) للاسبوع الاول

السلام عليكم 23.5.2017

هذا امتحان دورة اللغه الانجليزيه .. للاسبوع الاول

وبناء على الثقه ..

بحط لكم القطعه وتقرونها واطلعون لي الكلمات اللي مرت عليكم صعبه + معانيها .. بدون ما تشوفون الدفتر ولو كلمه ما عرفتو معناها حطوها وحطي استفهام عندها ..

+ تحطين شرح مبسط لقاعدة present continuos مع امثله بسيطه لو 2 المهم عشان اعرف انكم فاهمينها ..

+ في اخوات حفظو كلمات زياده من اجتهادهم الخاص كتبولي الكلمات هذي بدون ما تشوفون معانيها واللي ما تعرفينها حطي استفهام ..

Flights disrupted again by ash
Charlie Hamilton

Last Updated: May 16. 2024 11:06PM UAE / May 16. 2024 7:06PM GMT Hundreds of airline passengers had their travel plans disrupted yesterday after the ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano spread into British and Irish airspace, triggering the effective shutdown of several airports.

Britain’s Civil Aviation Authority said restrictions were in place in airspace over parts of the UK, which stopped services arriving or departing from Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds-Bradford and East Midlands.

Aviation authorities expected London’s airports – including Heathrow – to remain open until at least midnight GMT last night, according to the Associated Press.

Etihad Airways cancelled four flights that were scheduled for today, which would have travelled between Abu Dhabi, Dublin and Manchester, the UK’s busiest airport outside London.

However, Emirates Airline cancelled its 2.30am service to London Heathrow and its 2.50am flight to London Gatwick in anticipation of the spread of the cloud, but said its 7.55am departure to Manchester was scheduled to leave as planned.

The Dubai-based carrier advised passengers travelling to Britain and Europe to confirm the status of their flights before going to the airport.

“Currently Manchester airport is closed while other airports may close later,” said Mohammed Mattar, Emirates’ divisional senior vice president of airport services.

“Customers travelling to the UK and Europe are advised to check the status of their flight on www.emirates.com, where information is updated every five minutes, before reporting to the airport. It is possible additional flights may be affected in the coming days.” Passengers already travelling on Emirates flights whose destination was one of the affected airports would be accommodated in Dubai, he added.

Etihad said that, in addition to its cancelled flights, two flights – one in and one out of Dublin – scheduled yesterday were also postponed for 24 hours. Etihad said the 153 passengers who had been due to fly to Manchester would be diverted to Heathrow, while the airline would find accommodation for the 116 passengers who would have travelled to Ireland.

Only passengers who were in transit would have their accommodation costs paid for, the airline said.

Etihad announced earlier this month that it planned to seek compensation from European Union authorities after the ash-induced flight ban over Europe last month, which cost the carrier more than US$30 million (Dh110m

هالقطعه نسيت احطها امس

بنسبة للقطعة عقب بحلها

بنسبة لدرس القاعدة

she is cooking
we are driving
Iam sleeping

الكلمات الجديدة اللي تعلمتها من موقع الاخبار
rodents قوارض
scurrying الانطلاق

president الرئيس
during خلال
conference مؤتمر
rat فار
vole فار الحقل

ويزاج الله كل خيررررررررر

صباح الخير
بنسبة للكلمات اليديده الي عرفتهن هن
Activities أنشطة
Regulation تنظيم
Participation مشاركة
Lecture محاضرة
Crime scene مسرح الجريمة
Specialist أخصائي

(طبعن كل الكلمات مرتبطة مع بعض لاني قريتهن من أوراق )

أما عن القاعده Present cotinuous
***بنسبة لي وبتعبيري اعتبرها هي الي تتكلم عن الحاضرط
***وتنقسم الي ثلاث قواعد(يمكن مبالغه اني اقول انها ثلاث قواعد)
وتكون للمفرد is
وتكون للجمع are

زبدة القاعده كلهن نضيف ing
She is rading
He is reading
I am swimming
والقطعه بعدين بشوفها

حلو ومنكم نتعلم

لي رجعه عقب

بالنسبة لكلمات القطعة أي قطعة تقصدين هي نفسها اللي حطيتها الاسبوع الماضي ؟

وبالنسبة لدرس القاعدة ..
Present cotinuous
هو الفعل المستمر أو المضارع المستمر يعني انتي او هو او هي او هم يسوون شي ولازالوا يسوونه
وباختصار اضافةing
I am like family
بالنسبة للفعل هني مانحط ing جي قريت من اجتهاد بعض الأخوات عن هالقاعدة وهاي من أفعال اللي مانتسخدم فيها ing
مثال 2
she is cooking
we are play foot bool
they are eatting lunsh

سوري ع الاسبلينق بس محاولات ومنها بنتعلم
الكلمات اللي تعلمتها


هاي بعض الكلمات بس ماتذكر حاليا
ويعطيج العافية

بكتب اللي حافظتنه ويااااااارب يطلع صح
I + am +verb
she , he ,it+ is +verd
you , they , we+are +verb

انا متأكده ان صح <<<< تشجع نفسها ههههه

I am hungry
She is sweet girl
He is live in the first floor,,,,,,, ماعرفت وين احط الا is
You are joking
They are swimming now
We have good news today
It ‘s six o’clock p.m.
طلعت جمل بسيطه لاني مستعيله وان شاءالله لي عوده

اترك تعليقاً

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