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الرئيسية » أرجو منكم حل هذه أسئلة الإنجليزي grammer8th Grade8th Grade8th Grade للطلاب

أرجو منكم حل هذه أسئلة الإنجليزي grammer8th Grade8th Grade8th Grade للطلاب

8th Grade
Grammar Review & vocabulary

Unit Three
1- I would ______ a cup of tea , please!
a) like b) liked c) liking d) look
2- We don’t ________ to be here anymore.
a) wants b) want c) wanted b) wanting
3- He _________ to leave early.
a) woulds like b) would liking c) would like
4- You should _____ healthy food.
a) eat b) eats c) eating d) ate
5- Students ________ leave too early.
a) shouldn’t b) don’t should c)not should
6-_______ come with you to the party?
a) I can b) Can I c) Can you d) you can
7-_____________________ drink much coffee.
a) I think don’t you should
b) I should not you drink
c) I don’t think you should
d) I don’t should you drink
8- Do you know the area ______ Asia??
a) at b) on c) in d) of
9- I learnt _____ Napoleon fought many wars.
a) about b) at c) in d) that

10- ________call you or not ?
a) should I b) I should c) I can d) I will
11- This car is ______ than that one.
a) good b) gooder c) well d) better
12- The cat eats _____ than the elephant .
a) little b) list c) less d) most
13- He failed .The marks were ____ than last time.
a) worse b) worst c) is worse d) good

Find out the suitable words from your word lists at the end of the book :

Unit three
farmers say that ______ isn’t as good as it was.
_______ workers should wear helmets.
Our company _______ 200 people a year.
Animals aren’t means of ______ in big cities nowadays.
______ is dealing with money .
People go picnicking in their ______time .
An _________ works in retail.

معقول محد من مدرسات ومدرسي مادة اللغة الانجليزية أن يتكرموا ويحلوا هذه الأسئلة ولكم الأجر وخصوصا من كتم علما وهو أو هي تعرف حله وشكرا

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